Section 2. Using the Keyboard and Mouse
79-0030-001 11 January 2001
Below are descriptions of the keys when NUM LK is pressed.
Key Description
NUM LK (FN+F12) Numeric Lock. Pressing the FN+NUM LK keys places
the embedded numeric keypad in the numeric state.
Pressing 0 through 9 generates numbers. Pressing
FN+NUM LK again returns keys back to their original
state. For example, when NUM LOCK is on, the u
key generates a 4 when pressed. When NUM LOCK
is off, the keys return to their alphabetic setting.
Minus (-) The Minus key is used to subtract numbers.
Plus (+) The Plus key is used to add numbers.
Asterisk (*) The Asterisk key is used to multiply numbers.
Forward Slash (/) The Forward Slash key is used to divide numbers.
Period (.) The period key inserts a decimal point.
ENTER The ENTER key generates a total for calculations you
have entered.
FN Keys
On the mobile computer, you must press the FN key in combination
with other keys to perform various tasks. These keys are labeled with a
small box around the command. For example:
Pressī° To do this
FN+ON Turn on / Resume the computer
FN+OFF Suspend the computer
FN+F1 Toggle the backlight on and off (monochrome
FN+F1 Toggle MaxBright on and off (10.4-inch color
display only)
FN+F2 Dim the display backlight (on 10.4-inch color only
available when MaxBright is off)