Installation Guide for Cisco Unity Release 5.x with IBM Lotus Domino (Without Failover)
Installing the Operating System
In this chapter, you do the following tasks in the order listed:
1. Review considerations for installing Windows. See the “Considerations for Installing Windows”
section on page 4-2.
2. If you are installing Windows by using a retail Windows disc: Configure the RAID arrays. See the
“Configuring the RAID Arrays (Selected Installations)” section on page 4-3.
3. Install Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000 Server by using the applicable procedure based on
the considerations you reviewed in Task
• Installing Windows Server 2003 by Using the Cisco Unity Platform Configuration Discs,
page 4-4
• Installing Windows 2000 Server by Using the Cisco Unity Platform Configuration Discs,
page 4-6
• Installing Windows Server 2003 by Using a Retail Windows Server 2003 Disc, page 4-8
• Installing Windows 2000 Server by Using a Retail Windows Server 2000 Disc, page 4-9
4. If you installed Windows by using a retail Windows disc: Create the partitions according to the
storage configuration requirements for the platform. See the
“Creating the Partitions” section on
page 4-11.
If you installed Windows by using the Platform Configuration discs, partitions of the correct sizes
were created automatically.
5. If the Cisco Unity server will have more than 96 ports: Add the 3GB and userva switches to the
boot.ini file. See the
“Adding 3GB and userva Switches to the Boot.ini File” section on page 4-12.
When you are finished with this chapter, return to Chapter 1, “Overview of Mandatory Tasks for
Installing Cisco Unity,” to continue installing the Cisco Unity system correctly.
Note The tasks in the list reference detailed instructions in the Cisco Unity installation guide and in other
Cisco Unity documentation. Follow the documentation for a successful installation.