[P] VTP Statistics [X] Exit to Main Menu
Select [V], and accept the default setting of Server. Because the change we want to make is to add a
server, we will take the defaults:
VTP mode may be set to [C]lient, [S]erver or [T]ransparent:
Current setting ===> Server
New setting ===> Server
Select [A] to add an Ethernet VLAN to the switch. You’ll see the following:
The following VLAN types can be added:
[1]Ethernet, [2]FDDI, [3]Token−Ring, [4]FDDI−Net, or [5]Token−Ring−Net
Select a VLAN type [1−5]: 1
Now we need to specify a name for the newly created VLAN. To change the name to “Techs” we
need to select option [V], as shown in the following output:
Enter Selection: V
This command selects the unique name of a VLAN.
Configuration change only takes effect when the VLAN SAVE command is
A string of up to 32 characters may be specified to name a VLAN.
Example: Engineering, Manufacturing, Blue
Enter VLAN name (32 characters max):
Current setting ===> VLAN0002
New setting ===> Techs
Now you need to save the VLAN configuration. To do so, select option [S]. Save and exit.5.
To view information about your newly created VLAN, from the Virtual LAN Configuration menu,
choose [M].
Next, select the VLAN you want information on. In this case, it’s VLAN 2. Enter “2” and you should
see the following:
Catalyst 1900 − Modify Ethernet VLAN
—————————————————————— Information ————————————————————————————————————————
Current member ports:
Type: Ethernet
VLAN Number: 2
—————————————————————— Settings ———————————————————————————————————————————
[V] VLAN Name Techs
[I] 802.10 SAID 100002
[M] MTU Size 1500
[L] Translational Bridge 1 0
[J] Translational Bridge 2 0
[T] VLAN State Enabled
—————————————————————— Related Menus ———————————————————————————————————————————
[S] Save and Exit [X] Cancel and Exit
[N] Cancel and goto Next VLAN [G] Cancel and goto VLAN
[P] Cancel and goto Previous VLAN
To exit from this screen, select option [X].8.
To configure your trunk ports (Ax and/or Bx) to pass the VLAN information to neighboring switches,
you must enable at least one of the trunk ports. From the Virtual LAN Configuration menu select
option [T].
Now you need to enter a trunk port. We will be configuring port A:
Select a trunk port [A, B] : A