SR260C_English_black_090402.doc SIZE: 140x75mm SCALE 2:1
[ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ ‧ ] 0. 555555556
Note : [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] is inactive immediately after and during
numerical input.
[ SCI ] Scientific Key
Converts the displayed number into a power of ten and back.
(Ex.) : 12.3456 [ x ] 10 [ = ] 123.456
[ SCI ] 1.23456 02
[ SCI ] 123.456
[ SCI ] 1.23456 02
[ DRG ] Angle unit conversion key
Press to change the angle unit as DEG (Degrees), RAD (Radian), or
GRAD (Gradient).
This calculator has 13 unit conversion keys as follows. Each key has
two conversion features. For example, pressing [ AÆB ] before
[ in↔cm] can convert a number in inches to centimeters ; Pressing
[ 2ndF ] [ AÅB ] before [ in↔cm] can convert a number in centimeters
to inches.
Key Meanings
[ in↔cm ] inch↔centimeter
[ feet↔m ] feet↔meter
[ feet
↔ m
] feet
[ B.gal↔l ] Britain. gallon↔liter
[ gal↔l ] gallon↔liter
[ Pint↔l ] Pint↔liter
[ Tr.oz↔g ] Troy ounce↔gram
[ oz↔g ] ounce↔gram
[ lb↔kg ] libra↔kilogram
[ atm↔kpa ] atmospheric pressure↔kilopascal
[ cal↔KJ ] calorie↔Kilo–Joule
[ ℉↔℃ ] Fahrenheit ↔ Celsius
[ mmHg↔kpa ] mmHg↔kilopascal
[ 2ndF ] [ ], [ 2ndF ] [ ] Sexagesimal Notation / Decimal
Notation Conversion Keys
To change from sexagesimal (base 60) notation (degree, minute,
second) to decimal notation (degree) press [ 2ndF ] [ ]. To
change from decimal notation to sexagesimal notation, enter the
number in decimal form and then press [ 2ndF ] [ ].
[ sin ], [ cos ], [ tan ] Sine, Cosine, Tangent Keys
Calculate the trigonometric functions of the displayed value.