
Over 1,200 miles (2,000 kilometres) there is no restriction so that you can
drive at: 28 mph (45 km/h) in bottom gear
53 mph (85 km/h) in second gear 80 mph (130 km/h) in third gear
These maximum speeds are marked on the speedometer with yellow-orange
To obtain the most economic running the following points should be borne in
1 Always select the highest possible gear, both in town and on the open road.
2 Avoid systematically pushing the engine to its maximum power ("foot to the
3 Release the accelerator pedal completely by taking the foot off whenever
you want to slow down.
At the 600 mile (1,000 km) service: Have the engine oil and the oil-filter
cartridge renewed; the gearbox oil too should be renewed.
At the time of delivery your supplier will also hand over a "Maintenance
Log-book" which includes the "Guarantee Card".
When these documents are presented to any Citroen Agent he will carry out an
overhaul after your car has completed 600 miles (1,000 kilometres). The
work involved is free of charge, payment only being required for the new oil in
the engine and gearbox and for the filter cartridge.
On completion of the work the Agent (or Branch) retains the "Overhaul
Certificate" and returns the "Maintenance Log-book" in which he has
signed the "Guarantee Card".