
How to use your keychain remote control
Your remote control can command 12 different functions and options. The LevelShift
button on the side of the remote control allows you to select channels 5–12:
To transmit either channel 1, 2, 3 or 4: Just press either button 1, 2, 3 or 4. For
instance, to transmit channel 3, press button 3. While you transmit, the LED
indicator will flash once every second: this indicates level 1.
To transmit either channel 5, 6, 7 or 8:
Press the
LevelShift button once. This shifts buttons
1–4 to level 2 (channels 5–8). Then press the
corresponding button within the next 7
seconds. For instance, to transmit channel 5,
press LevelShift once, then button 1. While
you transmit, you’ll notice that the LED
indicator flashes twice, pauses, flashes twice,
etc.: this indicates level 2.
To transmit channel 9, 10, 11 or 12:
Press LevelShift twice to shift buttons 1–4 to
level 3 (channels 9–12), then press the corresponding button. Thus, to transmit
channel 10, press LevelShift twice, then button 2. You’ll notice that the LED
flashes three times, pauses, flashes three times, etc.: this indicates level 3.
NOTE: One second after you stop transmitting level 2 or level 3 (channels 5–12),
the remote control automatically returns to level 1 (channels 1–4).
What each button/channel does
Certain channels command certain functions. The chart below indicates what each
remote control channel number does, and how to transmit each channel number.
Factory settings of the 12 remote control channels
Causes the system to:
Press the
1 arm or disarm and lock or unlock the doors no 1
2 activate a remote controlled option no 2
3 silently arm or disarm no 3
4 turn on headlights*, close windows* or activate an accessory no 4
5 control a Concept 50 on your second vehicle yes once 1
6 control a Concept 50 option on your second vehicle yes once 2
7 control a Concept 50 on your third vehicle yes once 3
8 control a Concept 50 option on your third vehicle yes once 4
9 remotely override both system sensors (see page 12) yes twice 1
10 control a Concept 50 on your fourth vehicle yes twice 2
11 control a Concept 50 option on your fourth vehicle yes twice 3
12 control a Concept 50 on your fifth vehicle yes twice 4
* Requires optional wiring and a relay