Operation (Cont.)
6. RX/TX LED INDICATOR. When your radio is in the CB receive mode,
the LED will be green. When in transmit mode, the LED will be red.
7. LED CHANNEL DISPLAY. The selected channel will be displayed.
8. CB-PA SWITCH: Selects the mode of operation. In the CB position, the
PA function is disabled and the unit will transmit and receive on the
selected frequency. The PA function should not be used unless a PAspeaker is
connected. NOTE: ANL (Automatic Noise Limiter) is a non-switchable
feature that is always on to reduce background noise.
9. S-METER. Swings proportionally to the strength of the incoming signal
during re c e i v i n g .
RF-METER. Swings proportionally to the RF output power while
10. SOUNDTRACKERâ„¢ INDICATOR. Ared LED will illuminate when the
SoundTracker system is engaged on your CB.
11. SOUNDTRACKERâ„¢ SWITCH. Depressing this button turns on the
SoundTracker system in your CB.
Controls and Indicators
Refer to controls, indicators and connectors as illustrated below:
A. Front Panel
1. MICROPHONE CONNECTOR. Front panel microphone connector.
2. OFF/ON/VOLUME. Turn clockwise to turn power on and set the desired
listening volume.
3. SQUELCH. This control is used to cut off or eliminate receiver
ground noise in the absence of an incoming signal. For maximum receiver
sensitivity it is desired that the control be adjusted only to the point
where the receiver background noise or ambient background noise is
eliminated. Adjust until the receiver noise disappears. This will require
the incoming signal to be slightly stronger than the average receiver
noise. Further clockwise rotation will increase the threshold level which
a signal must overcome in order to be heard. Only strong signals will be
heard at a maximum clockwise setting.
4. RF GAIN. Adjust as required to optimize signal. This control is used
primarily to optimize reception in strong signal areas. Gain is reduced by
counterclockwise rotation of the control.
5. CHANNEL SELECTOR SWITCH. This switch selects any one of forty
Citizens Band channels desired. The selected channel is indicated by the
LED readout, directly above the channel selector knob.
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