Nothing comes close to aCobra
metallic object (wrench, etc.).
WARNING If you are making a permanent AC
connection to the inverter, make sure that the
AC wiring steps are performed before any DC
wiring is done. (DC hook-up energizes internal
components, regardless of the position of the
On/OffSwitch). Working on AC connections in such
a circumstance may result in an electric shock.
WARNING 115 volt AC power is potentially lethal.
Do not work on AC wiring when it is connected to
the inverter (even if it is switched off) unless the
DC power source is physically disconnected from
the inverter. Also, do not work on AC wiring if it
is connected to another AC power source such
as a generator or the utility line.
WARNING You may observe a spark when
making the connection because current can
flow to charge the capacitors in the inverter.
Do not make this connection in the presence
of flammable fumes. Explosion or fire may
result. Thoroughly ventilate the battery
compartment before making this connection.
NOTEIf only one power source is used, connect both
cables fromthenegativeterminalof the inverter to the
negative terminal of the power source. Then connect
both cables from thepositive terminals of the inverter
to the positive terminal of the power source.
Power Consumption Ground Wiring
Installation Installation
50wattsx2 hours