
Nothing comes close to a Cobra
NOAA Weather Channels
And Alert Included In This Package
NOAA Weather Channels And Alert
Monitoring the weather will probably be a frequent use of your VHF radio. The
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) provides continuous,
around-the-clock broadcasts of the latest weather information. Taped weather
messages run every four (4) to six (6) minutes and are revised every two (2)
or three (3) hours, or as needed. The Coast Guard also announces weather
and other safety warnings on Channel 16. Smart boaters keep an eye on safety
and an ear to the VHF radio — and never let the weather catch them unaware.
NOAA Emergency Weather Alert
In the event of a major storm or other weather condition requiring vessels at sea or
on other bodies of water to be notified, NOAA broadcasts a 1050 Hz tone that receivers
such as your CobraMarine
VHF radio can detect and warn you of a weather alert
condition. When the weather alert signal is sent on the weather channel you last
used, your radio will switch from Standby mode to that weather channel. You will
not hear the tone signal, but you will hear the weather alert message. The Weather
Alert icon can be turned On or Off by pressing the Mode button.
To test this system, NOAA broadcasts the 1050 Hz signal every Wednesday sometime
between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. in each local time zone. Any receiver that can detect the
weather alert tone may use this feature to verify that this feature is functioning properly.
Weather Frequency
Channel RX Frequency MHz
1 162.550
2 162.400
3 162.475
4 162.425
5 162.450
6 162.500
7 162.525
8 161.650
9 161.775
10 163.275
Included In This Package
You should find all of the following items in the
package with your CobraMarine
VHF radio:
Radio Waterproof Pouch
Operating Instruction Manual Belt Clip
Wrist Strap
Wall Mount Charger
Rechargeable NiCD Batteries
VHF Marine Radio Protocols Installation
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