14 Compaq TFT5015 User’s Guide
❏ Advanced Main Menu: Select “Advanced Menu” from
the Basic Main Menu to display the Advanced Main
Menu shown below.
Note: After the Advanced Main Menu has been selected, it
remains the default on-screen display each time the monitor is
powered on until the Basic Main Menu option is selected again.
2. To select an item from the Basic Main Menu, scroll down and
highlight an item by pressing the Minus (-) button located on
the monitor front panel. To reverse or back up, press the Plus
(+) button.
3. Highlight your choice and press the Menu button again.
4. Adjust the Advanced Main Menu displays using the same
procedure as the first level.
Note: The advanced menus for Brightness and Contrast display
an adjustment screen. Use the Minus (-) button to decrease and
the Plus (+) button to increase the screen brightness and contrast.
Main Menu
Image Control
OSD Control
Factory Reset