
3.3.2 Echo Canceller
To improve the fax transfer the Ericsson W25 also has an echo canceller in
accordance with G.168.
3.3.3 QoS
The outgoing VoIP related traffic will be prioritized before other traffic from
the Ericsson W25 to reduce the uplink delay and jitter.
3.4 Interoperability
The Ericsson W25 is interoperable with e.g. Broadsoft, which is included in
Ericsson’s IMT (IMS Multimedia Telephony). Other SIP servers and Fax
gateways should also work as long as they support SIP v2 (RFC 3261) and
T.38, but interoperability testing needs to be done to verify this.
For more information on Ericsson’s IMT see ref [1].
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