
© 2001 Firstech, Inc. Page 11
vehicle with the manual key and repeat the above 5 steps if you want to restore
reservation mode.
Note: If you try to auto-start the vehicle when reservation mode has not been set
or turned on, the auto-start feature will not work. The car parking lights will flash
three times and the door icon in the CompuGlo LCD will be flashing to inform you
that reservation mode has not been set.
Canceling Reservation Mode
If you do not want to set reservation mode, shut off the engine before you exit the
vehicle. The engine will shut off for the following reasons:
(a) You do not activate your parking brake or press the foot brake when you turn
your manual key to the off position.
(b) You release your parking brake while engine is running.
(c) You go into Valet Mode after the Reservation Mode has been completed.
Safety Shut Down Features
Safety Shut Down FeaturesSafety Shut Down Features
Safety Shut Down Features
CompuStar 2000AS system has several shut down safety features. The following
actions will shut down the engine or prevent the car from auto-starting:
Opening of the car engine hood,
Pressing of the car engine break,
Valet mode is turned on.
Valet switch is turned on.
VPS (Vehicle Paging System)
S (Vehicle Paging System)S (Vehicle Paging System)
S (Vehicle Paging System)
VPS is a feature that allows an individual to page the owner of a vehicle by simply
tapping on the front windshield of the car. VPS is turned on upon activating alarm
mode (pressing Button I for a ½ second) on the CompuStar 2000AS. The VPS
module is a single sensor on the outside edge of your driver’s side front window
shield that can be activated by tapping a manual key producing a high-frequency
vibration. Your remote-pager will detect this high-frequency and will beep. A
telephone icon will appear on the CompuGLO LCD indicating that someone is
paging you from your vehicle.