SR[3..0] IUSC Software Reset: SR[0]=Port1… SR[3]=Port4. Reset is asserted while bit is set to 1. Also, the “Line Interface Control”bits for the given
Port, are set back to their power-up state.
SMIE Serial Master Interrupt Enable: This bit will enable all IUSC interrupts. If the SMIE bit is turned OFF, the Serial interrupt signal to the
Coldfire are turned off, but the Interrupts Status bits remain valid.
IABT IUSC DMA operation Abort: Setting this bit will abort any DMA transfer underway, and is mainly used to abruptly stop autonomous IUSC
TRG[3..0] TXRX GO: Used to enable the Transmission and Receiver via a hardware signal. These bits cause the CTS and the DCD signal to go ON. (See
the CTSM[] and DCDS bits above).
IM[3..0] Map IUSC Interrupts: to Coldfire Interrupts. IM[p]=0 selects Interrupt-1, IM[p]=1 selects Interrupt-2. Where [p] is the port number (0to3).
Interrupt Information
All the IUSC interrupts are “gated” together and are presented on Coldfire External Interrupt pin #1 or pin #2 (as selected by the IM bits).
All other interrupts (only the Real-Time Clock at this time) are presented to the Coldfire External Interrupt pin #3.
For Future Use
X Reserved for future use, Set to zero for Writes, zero on Reads
IS1[3..0] Interrupt Status (Interrupt-1): IS1[p]=1 Interrupt active. Where [p] is the port number (0to3).
IS2[3..0] Interrupt Status (Interrupt-2): IS2[p]=1 Interrupt active. Where [p] is the port number (0to3).
RIS Interrupt Status (RTC): 1 Interrupt active.
ID[1..0] PLD ID: Begins at “1” and increments.
Rev[3..0] PLD Revision: Begins at “1” and increments.
PBL Push Button Latch: = 1 whenever the pushbutton was previously pressed (self-cleared at the end of the Read).
Busy LIFC Register Busy: This bit goes high (=1) whenever a Line Interface Control Register is written, and goes low (=0) whenever the register is
available to be used again. (See the LIFC register above).