1.0 Introduction
The EASICHECK™ Panel is designed to periodically test the functionality of your installed
emergency. Once a week, once a month or 6 monthly, the EASICHECK™ will carry out tests
to determine whether your emergency lighting is fully functional.
For testing purposes, the luminaires can be designated to groups. The information for each
group is loaded at the commissioning stage via a PC. Groups can include luminaires in diverse
locations so as to prevent effective loss of emergency cover following test routines.
Manual tests with duration from 5 minutes to 3 hours can easily be instigated. Any faults that
are found are displayed at the panel. Multiple faults can be scrolled through the display by
pressing the scroll button. A permanent or intermittent fault will be detected by the panel. The
display will show the fault, address and location. The fitting will show flashing Amber LED
instead of the flashing green LED. The panel can test a single luminaire at any time if required.
This is done by use of the test mode menu option. A printer may be attached to record all test
If the system communication fails, loop voltage is incorrect, or if there is a Mains failure, any
test that is in progress is terminated and the luminaire states are returned to normal mode.