
_. WARNING: When servicinguse only identical
Craftsman replacement parts. Use of any other
partsmay create a hazard or cause product
Only the parts shownon partslist, page 13. are intended
to be repaired or replaced by the customer.All other parts
represent an importantpart ofthe doubleinsulationsystem
and shouldbe serviced only at a qualifiedservicecenter.
Avoid usingsolventswhen cleaningplasticparts. Most
plasticsare susceptibletovarioustypesofcommercial
solventsand may be damaged bytheiruse. Usa clean
clothsto remove dirt,carbondust, etc.
WARNING: Do notat any time let brakefluids,
gasoline, petroleum-based products,penetrating
oils,etc. come in contactwith plasticparts. They
containchemicals that can damage, weaken, or
destroy plastic.
When electric tools are usedon fiberglass boats,sports
cars,wallboard, spacklingcompounds,or plaster, it has
been found that they are subjectto acceleratedwear and
possibleprematurefailure,as the fiberglass chipsand
grindings are highlyabrasiveto beatings,brushes,
commutators,etc. Consequently it is notrecommended
that thistool be usedfor extended work on anyfiberglass
material, wallboard,spacklingcompounds,or plaster.
Duringany use on these materials,it is extremely
importantthat the tool is cleaned frequently by blowing
withan airjet.
_i, WARNING: Always wear safetygoggles,or safety
glasses with side shieldsduringpower tool
operation orwhen blowingdust. If operation is
dusty, alsowear a dust mask.
The use of any extensioncord will cause some lossof
power. To keepthe lossto a minimumand to preventtool
overheating,followthe recommendedcord sizeson the
chart below.When tool is used outdoors,useonly
extension cords suitablefor outdooruse and somarked.
Extensioncordsare availableat Sears Retail Stores.
Length of Extension Cord Wire Size (A.W.G.)
Up to 50 feet 16
50-100 feat 14
_b, CAUTION: Keep extensioncords away from the
sanding area and positionthe cord sothat itwill not
get caught on lumber,tools,etc., duringsanding
_lb WARNING: Check extensioncords beforeeach
use. If damaged, replace immediately.Never use
toolwith a damaged cordsincetouchingthe
damaged area couldcause electricalshock resulting
in seriousinjury.
All of the bearings inthistool are lubricatedwith a suffi-
cientamount of highgrade lubricantfor the lifeof the unit
under normaloperatingconditions.Therefore, no further
lubricationis required,