
See Figure 45.
In thiscut, both the blade and the armare angled. Be
familiar with bothbevel and miter cutsbefore making
a compound cut. Practice on scrap wood.
_l, WARNING: Make surethe bladeguard is
lowered and isworking properlyto prevent
possibleinjury.Always raise theclear plastic
guard before changing the bevel or loweringthe
blade to avoid damage tothe guard.
_l, WARNING: Keep one hand onthe handle until
the blade stops rotatingto preventthe riskof
Putthe fence inthefront position (nextto the front
table) and tightenthe table clamps.
Check that the controlcut device isset for the
correctspeed for the type of woodand cutyou are
planning. Refer to the chart on the labeland adjust
the thumbwheelon the handle accordingly.
Ifthe yoke isnot in the crosscut position withthe
blade parallelto the arm, release the yoke lock
handle and position the yoke correctlywith the yoke
pivotlatchon the rightside ofthe arm.
Ifthe arm istoo low or too high,first liftthe blade
guard ifthe arm is too low,and turnthe elevating
handwheel at the front of thetable. Set the blade to
just clear the kerror table.
To sat the angle ofthe arm, release the arm lock
knobon topof the arm. Use the miter scale above
the columnto position itto the desired angle, and
lock the arm lookknob.
To set the blade angle, firstraise the plasticlower
guard. Release the bevel lock lever,and position
the blade withthe bevel index lever.
Retightenthe bevellock lever.
Note: Fora 45" or 90" angle, the bevel indexleverwill
seat automaticallyat the preset positive stop
positions. Forany other angle, usethe bevel
lock lever.
Ifthe yoke is infrontofthe fence, loosenthe
carriage lockknobon the left side ofthe arm.
Release the switchtriggeronthe handleand let the
carriage returntothe back.
Ifthere is no kerr,cutone approximately 1/t6 in.
deep. Grasp the handle. Turn the saw onwiththe
switchon the arm. Squeeze the switchtriggerand
pullthe blade forwardto make the kerf.
Release the switchtdggerand letthe carriage
returntothe beck. Turn the saw off withthe switch
on the arm but holdthe handle untilthe blade stops
rotating.Adjustthe heightwiththe elevating
handwheel sothe blade willrotatefreely inthe kerr.
Positionthe workpieceagainstthe fence. Place the
pawlsand rivingknife toclear the workpiece or the
fence, whichever ishigher, byat least 1/4 inch.
Grasp the handle With one hand. With the other
hand, turnthe saw on,then holdthe workplece
downand against the fence• Ifnecessary,slightly
raise the outerblade guardfor clearance. Keep
yourhand well away from the blade.
Squeeze the switchtriggerand pullthe blade
throughthe workpiece but onlyfar enoughto
completethe cut. Keep yourhandon the handle,
even afterthe cut has been made and the saw
turned off, untilthe blade stopsrotating.
Aftercompletingthe cut, movethe workpieceto the
side and turnoffthe saw withthe switchon the
arm. Release the switchtriggerand letthe yoke
move back behind the fence. Do not release the
handle untilthe blade stopsrotating.
Fig. 45