Z_ CAUTION: Never store your snow
thrower indoors or in an enclosed, poorly
ventilated area if gasoline remains in the
tank. fumes may reach an open flame,
spark or pilot light from a furnace, water
heater, clothes dryer, cigarette, etc.
To prevent engine damage (ifsnow thrower rs
not used for more than 30 days) follow the
steps below°
, Thoroughly clean the snow thrower°
° Lubricate all lubrication points (See the
Maintenance section on pages ! 4-16).
° Be sure that all nuts, bolts and screws are
securely fastened, Inspect all visible mov-
ing parts for damage, breakage and wear.
Replace if necessary.
° Touch up all rusted or chipped paint sur-
faces; sand lightly before painting.
° Cover the bare metal parts of the blower
housing auger and the impeller with rust
preventative, such as a spray lubricant.
NOTE" A yearly checkup or tune-up by a
Craftsman Service Center is a good way to
insure that your snow thrower will provide
maximum performance for the next season.
Gasoline must be removed or treated to pre-
vent gum deposits from forming in the tank,
filter, hose, and carburetor during storage.
Also during storage, alcohol blended gaso-
line that uses ethanol or methanol (some-
times called gasohol) attracts water. It acts
on the gasoline to form acids which damage
the engine.
° To remove gasoline, run the engine until
the tank is empty and the engine stops.
Then drain remaining gasoline from car-
buretor by pressing upward on bowl drain
located on the bottom of carburetor (see
figure below).
If you do not want to remove gasoline,
use fuel stabilizer supplied with unit or
purchase Craftsman Fuel Stabilizer No.
33500. Add fuel stabilizer to any gasoline
left in the tank to minimize gum deposits
and acids. If the tank is almost empty,
mix stabilizer with fresh gasoline in a
separate container and add some to the
Always follow instructions on stabilizer con-
tainer. Then run engine at least 10 minutes
after stabilizer is added to allow mixture to
reach carburetor. Store snow thrower in a
safe place. See Warning above.
You can keep your engine in good operating
condition during storage by:
,, Changing oil (See page 16).
• Lubricating the piston/cylinder area. This
can be done by first removing the spark
plug and squirting a few drops of clean
engine oil into the spark plug hole. Then
cover the spark plug hole with a rag to
absorb oil spray. Next, rotate the engine
by pulling the starter rope fully out two or
three times. Fina!ly, reinstall spark plug
and attach spark plug wire.
tf possible, store your snow thrower in-
doors and cover it to give protection from
dust and dirt,
o If the machine must be stored outdoors,
block up the snow thrower to be sure the
entire machine is off the ground.
= Cover the snow thrower with a suitable
protective cover that does not retain
moisture. Do not use plastic or vinyl.
IMPORTANT: Never cover snow thrower
while engine and exhaust areas are still
Bowl Drain
Carburetor Bowl