Professional Automation Computer Crestron PAC2
PAC2 Device Library Symbols
Configuration Manager is where programmers “build” a Crestron control system by
selecting hardware from the Device Library. In Configuration Manager, drag the
PAC2 from the Control Systems folder of the Device Library to System Views. Refer
to the illustration below.
System Views of the PAC2
Slot 1, 2, 3: Y- and Z-Bus Expansion Slots
The 40Mb/s Y-BUS (slots 1 and 2) supports existing CNX control cards and permits
adding multiple IR, serial communications, and/or relay ports to the control system.
The 300Mb/s Z-BUS expansion slot (slot 3) supports the C2ENET-1 and –2 control
cards, and is designed for super high-speed applications such as 10/100 Ethernet.
Slot 4: C2I-IO8
The PAC2 provides eight I/O ports called Versiports, each of which can function as a
digital input, a digital output, or an analog input. Each Versiport has a corresponding
pullup resistor.
In Program Manager, drag the C2I-IO8 symbol from Program View to Detail View.
The symbol contains the following signals, arranged here according to mode:
Digital output mode
• 8 digitals: <o1> through <o8>
Digital input mode
• 8 digitals: <i1> through <i8>
Analog input mode
• 8 analogs: <i1> through <i8>
• For each analog, one corresponding minimum change value:
<MinChange1> through <MinChange8>
All Versiport modes
• For each Versiport, one corresponding pullup resistor: <pu-disable1>
through <pu-disable8>
Defining a signal puts the signal into the corresponding mode. For example, defining
the analog input <i1> configures that Versiport as an analog input. A Versiport can
operate in one mode only. That is, if you define <o1> you should not also define
32 • Professional Automation Computer: PAC2 Operations Guide – Doc. 5941