Steps 1 – 10 below should be performed on an annual basis to assure reliable operation of the ODV
boiler. If the boiler is used to power an indirect water heater, such as a Mega-Stor, it is advisable to
check the CO2 and smoke level approximately half way between annual cleanings.
1) Shut off power to the boiler
2) Open the swing door and remove the bafes
3) Thoroughly clean the boiler. If necessary, also clean the vent system.
4) Inspect the pressure switch tubing for cracks, blockages, and swelling. Run a pipe cleaner into
the hose barbs on both the inlet collar and the 7 x 4 adapter to make sure that they are open.
5) Inspect the chamber and door refractory for deterioration. It is normal for hairline cracks to
appear in both of these parts after a short time in service. These parts should be replaced if
sections of them are loose or missing.
6) Replace the nozzle with one identical in brand and pattern to that shown in Table 2.
7) Replace the oil lter.
8) Reassemble the boiler.
9) Adjust the burner to obtain a CO2 of between 11.0% and 12.5% as called for in Table 2 . It
should be possible to obtain a CO2 in this range with a zero smoke.
10) Inspect the vent system for signs of leakage. Seal any leaks found with Boss Hi-Temp red
silicone #326 or equivalent.
Clean the boiler even if there is not a signicant amount of soot. Sulfur and ash
deposits left in the boiler can cause severe long-term corrosion damage.