
Document #: 001-43991 Rev. *D Page 14 of 38
DC Analog Reference Specifications
The guaranteed specifications are measured through the Analog Continuous Time PSoC blocks. The power levels for AGND refer to
the power of the Analog Continuous Time PSoC block. The power levels for RefHi and RefLo refer to the Analog Reference Control
register. The limits stated for AGND include the offset error of the AGND buffer local to the Analog Continuous Time PSoC block.
Reference control power is high.
DC Analog PSoC NV Block Specifications
1. AGND tolerance includes the offsets of the local buffer in the PSoC block. Bandgap voltage is 1.3V ± 0.02V.
Table 10. 3.3V DC Analog Reference Specifications (CY8CNP102B)
Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units
Bandgap Voltage Reference 3.3V 1.28 1.30 1.32 V
AGND = Vcc/2
Vcc/2 - 0.02 Vcc/2 Vcc/2 + 0.02 V
AGND = 2 x BandGap
Not Allowed
AGND = P2[4] (P2[4] = Vcc/2) P2[4] - 0.009 P2[4] P2[4] + 0.009 V
AGND = BandGap
1.27 1.30 1.34 V
AGND = 1.6 x BandGap
2.03 2.08 2.13 V
AGND Block to Block Variation (AGND = Vcc/2)
-0.034 0.000 0.034 mV
RefHi = Vcc/2 + BandGap Not Allowed
RefHi = 3 x BandGap Not Allowed
RefHi = 2 x BandGap + P2[6] (P2[6] = 0.5V) Not Allowed
RefHi = P2[4] + BandGap (P2[4] = Vcc/2) Not Allowed
RefHi = P2[4] + P2[6] (P2[4] = Vcc/2, P2[6] = 0.5V) P2[4] + P2[6] - 0.042 P2[4] + P2[6] P2[4] + P2[6] + 0.042 V
RefHi = 2 x BandGap 2.50 2.60 2.70 V
RefHi = 3.2 x BandGap Not Allowed
RefLo = Vcc/2 - BandGap Not Allowed
RefLo = BandGap Not Allowed
RefLo = 2 x BandGap - P2[6] (P2[6] = 0.5V) Not Allowed
RefLo = P2[4] – BandGap (P2[4] = Vcc/2) Not Allowed
RefLo = P2[4]-P2[6] (P2[4] = Vcc/2, P2[6] = 0.5V) P2[4] - P2[6] - 0.036 P2[4] - P2[6] P2[4] - P2[6] + 0.036 V
Table 11. 3.3V DC Analog PSoC NV Block Specifications (CY8CNP102B)
Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units
Resistor Unit Value (Continuous Time) 12.2 kΩ
Capacitor Unit Value (Switch Cap) 80 fF
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