1.8.2 Improper Burner Function (cont.)
Burners lighting on the left side only may be caused by a trailing pilot problem (four- and five-tube
frypots) or improper burner manifold pressure.
Fluctuating flame intensity is normally caused by either improper or fluctuating incoming gas
pressure, but may also be the result of variations in the kitchen atmosphere. Verify incoming gas
pressure in the same way as for "popping,” discussed in the preceding paragraphs. Variations in the
kitchen atmosphere are usually caused by air conditioning and/or ventilation systems starting and
stopping during the day. As air conditioning/ventilation systems start and stop, the pressure in the
kitchen may change from positive or neutral to negative, or vice versa. Changes in airflow patterns
may affect flame intensity.
Flames "rolling" out of the fryer are usually an indication of negative pressure in the kitchen and
make up air blowing down the flue. Air is being sucked out of the fryer enclosure and the flames are
literally following the air. If negative pressure is not the cause, check for high burner-manifold gas
pressure in accordance with the procedures in Section 1.4. An obstructed flue, which prevents the
fryer from properly exhausting, may also be the cause.
Excessively noisy burners may indicate that the burner gas pressure is too low, the tube diffusers are
defective or burned out, or it may simply be that the gas valve vent-tube is blocked (if applicable). If
the gas pressure is correct, the tube diffusers are intact and in good condition, and the vent-tube is
unobstructed (if applicable), the gas valve regulator is probably defective.
1.8.3 Improper Temperature Control
Temperature control is a function of several interrelated components, including the melt cycle. Each
must operate correctly. The principal component is the temperature probe. Depending upon the
specific configuration of the fryer, other components may include the interface board, the
controller/controller itself, and the ignition module.
Improper temperature control problems can be categorized into melt cycle problems and failure to
control at setpoint.
In fryers equipped with a Thermatron, the problem will be with the thermostat. Possible causes are
that the thermostat is out of calibration or defective. Refer to Section 1.6 for instructions on
calibrating the thermostat.
In fryers equipped with controllers, the problem may be with the temperature probe, the interface
board, or the controller. Refer to the troubleshooting guides in this chapter.