
404 Understanding the Printer Menus
Valu es:
Scan to EMail
Use the Scan to EMail menu to edit the transmission source.
NOTE: Values marked by an asterisk (*) are the factory default menu settings.
Edit From Field
USB Settings
Use the USB Settings menu to change printer settings affecting a USB
NOTE: Values marked by an asterisk (*) are the factory default menu settings.
USB Port
To enable or disable the USB interface. The change becomes effective after
the printer is turned off and then on.
Va lu es :
Secure Receive Set Disable* Does not require a password to print incoming
Enable Requires a password to print incoming faxes.
Change Password 00009999 Sets or changes the password required to print
incoming faxes.
Disable Disables editing of the transmission source.
Enable* Enables editing of the transmission source.
Enable* Enables the USB interface.
Disable Disables the USB interface.