288 Understanding the Printer Menus
To specify the default font from the fonts registered in the printer.
CG Times LetterGothic CourierPS
CG Times It LetterGothic It CourierPS Ob
CG Times Bd LetterGothic Bd CourierPS Bd
CG Times BdIt Albertus Md CourierPS BdOb
Univers Md Albertus XBd SymbolPS
Univers MdIt Clarendon Cd Palatino Roman
Univers Bd Coronet Palatino It
Univers BdIt Marigold Palatino Bd
Univers MdCd Arial Palatino BdIt
Univers MdCdIt Arial It ITCBookman Lt
Univers BdCd Arial Bd ITCBookman LtIt
Univers BdCdIt Arial BdIt ITCBookmanDm
AntiqueOlv Times New ITCBookmanDm It
AntiqueOlv It Times New It HelveticaNr
AntiqueOlv Bd Times New Bd HelveticaNr Ob
CG Omega Times New BdIt HelveticaNr Bd
CG Omega It Symbol HelveticaNrBdOb
CG Omega Bd Wingdings N C Schbk Roman
CG Omega BdIt Line Printer N C Schbk It
GaramondAntiqua Times Roman N C Schbk Bd
Garamond Krsv Times It N C Schbk BdIt
Garamond Hlb Times Bd ITC A G Go Bk
GaramondKrsvHlb Times BdIt ITC A G Go BkOb
Helvetica ITC A G Go Dm
Courier It Helvetica Ob ITC A G Go DmOb
Courier Bd Helvetica Bd ZapfC MdIt