Loading Print Media 231
FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\fxstdpc-
NOTICE: Never use envelopes with windows, coated linings, or self-stick
adhesives. These lead to paper jams and can cause damage to the printer.
NOTE: Ensure that you load an envelope with the flap completely opened.
NOTE: Insert an envelope with the flap side face up and with the stamp area on
the bottom right side.
Using the SSF
• Load only one size and type of print media during a single print job.
• To achieve the best possible print quality, use only high-quality print media
that is designed for use in laser printer. For more guidelines on print media,
see "Print Media Guidelines."
• Do not add or remove print media when the printer is printing from the SSF.
This may result in a paper jam.
• Print media should be loaded with the recommended print side down and the
top of the print media going into the SSF first.
• Do not place objects on the SSF. Also, avoid pressing down or apply
excessive force on it.
• The icons on the SSF show how to load the SSF with paper, and how to turn
an envelope for printing.