Index 3
memory specifications, A-2
Mexico, time zone names for, D-5
MIB, Dell custom, 1-2
microprocessor specifications, A-1
MOC notice for South Korea, E-6
network connections
ping command, 4-4
verifying with setup command, 4-4
verifying with Setup Wizard, 3-5
New Zealand, time zone names for, D-3
NFS client configuration
filer directories, 9-4
host and interface names, 9-3
mounting file systems, 9-4
name resolution, /etc/hosts file, 9-3
name resolution, DNS or NIS, 9-3
overview, 9-3
NOM information for Mexico, E-9
notational conventions, xvii
Note message, xviii
Pacific, time zone names for, D-5
passwd file
accessing from
UNIX/NFS clients, 7-4
Windows NT and Windows 9x
Workstations, 7-3
adding entries from a UNIX client, 7-5
adding entries from a Windows/NFS
client, 7-6
adding entries, overview, 7-4
default, 7-2
location, 7-1
passwd files
setting up, 7-1
PC-style, C-3
UNIX-style, C-3
physical specifications, A-3
ping command, 4-4
Polish notice, E-7
ports and connectors specifications, A-2
power specifications, A-2
regulatory notices, E-1
return policy
U.S. and Canada, F-5
safety instructions
for preventing ESD, xi
health considerations, xii
features, 10-1
installing, 10-1
SecureShare Access, 10-1
SecureShare Account Migrator, 10-2
SecureShare Access, 10-1
SecureShare Account Migrator, 10-2
setup command, 4-4
overview, 4-1
procedure, 4-3
SecureShare, installing, 10-1
using DCHP, 4-2
verifying network connections, 4-4
Setup Wizard
basic configuration, 3-1
DHCP server
filer with, 3-2
filer without, 3-4