Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator’s Guide 135
Creating and managing the FCoE login group configuration
Displaying the FCoE login configuration
To display the FCoE login configuration, perform the following tasks.
Saving the current FCoE configuration
To save the current FCoE configuration, perform the following task.
Creating and managing the FCoE login group configuration
Another important task in administrating FCoE is configuring the FCoE login information.
Creating an FCoE login group
The FCoE login group enables you to configure login policies.
Task Command
Display the FCoE login configuration. Syntax is as
• -switch swwn—Displays all of the login
groups for the specified switch.
• -logingroup lgname—Displays the login group
configuration for the specified login group.
• -saved—Displays only the effective
switch:admin> fcoelogincfg --show [-switch swwn |
-logingroup lgname] [-saved]
Display the status of the last configuration merge
during the last fabric merge. This operand also
displays conflicting login groups and login groups
for non-existing switches.
switch:admin> fcoelogincfg --show [-mergestatus]
Task Command
Save the current FCoE login configuration as the
effective configuration fabric-wide.
switch:admin> fcoelogincfg --save