2 System Firmware Version
Firmware Image Name Version No. Release Date
PC6200v3.2.0.6.stk May 2010
Version Numbering Convention
Version number Description
6200 Series
3 2 0 6
Four part version number
Denotes the build number.
Denotes an ad hoc release of the product software.
Denotes a scheduled maintenance release of the product software.
Denotes a major version number.
Supported Firmware Functionality
For more details regarding the functionalities listed, please refer to the Dell™ PowerConnect™ 6200 Series Systems CLI
Reference Guide and the Dell™ PowerConnect™ 6200 Series Configuration Guide
NOTE: OMNM 4.1 will not discover the switches running any
version of 3.x.y.z firmware therefore users should upgrade to
version 4.2.
If you use OpenManage Network Manager to deploy firmware,
do not use it to deploy 3.x (or later) firmware to a
PowerConnect 62xx device that is currently running firmware
version 2.x or earlier. Only use the method described in these
Release Notes to upgrade this firmware.
Firmware Downgrade
Downgrading from to a previous release is not supported. Users should save their configuration file to a backup location
before performing this operation.
Hardware Supported
PowerConnect 6224
PowerConnect 6248
PowerConnect 6224F
PowerConnect 6224P
PowerConnect 6248P