Glossary 9
A host adapter implements communica-
tion between the computers bus and the
controller for a peripheral. (Hard-disk drive
controller subsystems include integrated
host adapter circuitry.) To add a SCSI ex-
pansion bus to your system, you must
install the appropriate host adapter.
Abbreviation for the High Performance
File System option in the Windows NT
operating system.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol. An object-ori-
ented protocol that can be used for many
tasks, such as name servers and distrib-
uted object management systems,
through extension of its request methods
Abbreviation for hertz.
Abbreviation for input/output. The key-
board and a printer, for example, are I/O
devices. In general, I/O activity can be dif-
ferentiated from computational activity.
For example, when a program sends a
document to the printer, it is engaging in
I/O activity; when the program sorts a list
of terms, it is engaging in computational
Abbreviation for identification.
Abbreviation for independent hardware
Communication across the network be-
tween the console and server.
A technique for increasing video resolu-
tion by only updating alternate horizontal
lines on the screen. Because interlacing
can result in noticeable screen flicker,
most users prefer noninterlaced video
adapter resolutions.
An instruction and data cache built in to
the microprocessor. The Pentium micro-
processor, for example, includes a 16-KB
internal cache, which is set up as an 8-KB
read-only instruction cache and an 8-KB
read/write data cache.
Acronym for Internet Protocol.
Acronym for internetwork packet
Abbreviation for interrupt request. A sig-
nal that data is about to be sent to or
received by a peripheral travels by an IRQ
line to the microprocessor. Each peripher-
al connection must be assigned an IRQ
number. For example, the first serial port
in your computer (COM1) is assigned to
IRQ4 by default. Two devices can share
the same IRQ assignment, but you cannot
operate both devices simultaneously.
Acronym for Industry-Standard Architec-
ture. A 16-bit expansion bus design. The
expansion-card connectors in an ISA com-
puter are also compatible with 8-bit ISA
expansion cards.
Abbreviation for Internet Service
Abbreviation for information technology
Acronym for Japanese Electronic Industry
Development Association.
Abbreviation for kilo-, indicating 1,000.
Abbreviation for kilobyte(s), 1,024 bytes.
Abbreviation for kilobyte(s) per second.