Connectivity & Network Setup
Select this to detect the Ethernet transmission rate automatically.
100 Mbps Full-Duplex
Select this to set 100BASE-TX (Full Duplex) as the default value.
100 Mbps Half-Duplex
Select this to set 100BASE-TX (Half Duplex) as the default value.
10 Mbps Full-Duplex
Select this to set 10BASE-T (Full Duplex) as the default value.
10 Mbps Half-Duplex
Select this to set 10BASE-T (Half Duplex) as the default value.
1000 Mbps
Select this to set 1000BASE-T as the default value.
TCP/IP - IP Mode
Allows you to select the TCP/IP operation mode.
IPv4 Mode
Select this option for IPv4.
IPv6 Mode
Select this option for IPv6.
Dual Stack
Select this option for an environment using both IPv4 and IPv6.
IPv4 - IP Address Resolution
Allows you to select a method for obtaining the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway
The address, subnet mask, and gateway address will automatically be set via DHCP.
The address, subnet mask, and gateway address will automatically be set via BOOTP.
The address, subnet mask, and gateway address will automatically be set via RARP.
The address, subnet mask, and gateway address will automatically be set via DHCP/Autonet.
If the machine fails to communicate with the DHCP server, the AutoIP function is
automatically enabled and the machine is assigned an IP address (169.254.xxx.xxx). When
communication between the machine and the DHCP server recovers, the machine is re-
assigned an IP address, a subnet mask, and a gateway address by the DHCP server.
Allows you to manually specify an IP address, a subnet mask, and a gateway address.