48 Command Modes
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IC (Interface Configuration) Mode
snmp-server set Sets SNMP MIB value by the CLI.
snmp-server trap
Enables the switch to send Simple Network Management Protocol traps
when authentication failed.
sntp authenticate Grants authentication for received Network Time Protocol (NTP)
traffic from servers.
sntp authentication-key Defines an authentication key for Simple Network Time Protocol
spanning-tree Enables spanning tree functionality.
spanning-tree bpdu Defines BPDU handling when spanning tree is disabled on an interface
spanning-tree forward-time Configures the spanning tree bridge forward time.
spanning-tree hello-time Configures the spanning tree bridge Hello Time.
spanning-tree max-age Configures the spanning tree bridge maximum age.
spanning-tree mode Configures the spanning tree protocol.
spanning-tree pathcost method Sets the default pathcost method.
spanning-tree priority Configures the spanning tree priority.
tacacs-server key Sets the authentication encryption key used for all TACACS+
communications between the device and the TACACS+ daemon.
tacacs-server source-ip Specifies the source IP address that will be used for the communication
with TACACS servers.
tacacs-server timeout Sets the timeout value.
tacacs-server host Specifies a TACACS+ host.
username Establishes a username-based authentication system.
vlan database Enters the VLAN database configuration mode.
wrr-queue cos-map
Maps assigned CoS values to select one of the egress queues.
Command Description
back-pressure Enables Back Pressure on a given interface.
channel-group Associates a port with a Port-channel.
clear host dhcp Sets an IP address on the device.
description Adds a description to an interface.
dot1x auth-not-req Enables unauthorized users access to that VLAN