56 Emphasis Visualization v1.4.0 User Manual
d. Drag your cursor over pipes in
your drawing. Note that you
must place fixtures on hang
structures. Emphasis will not
allow you to place fixtures in
your drawing unless they are
placed on hang structures.
e. Click on the pipes and truss to
place fixtures of that type. Place
a total of four fixtures for each
focus position. They don’t all
have to be the same type of
f. When done with that fixture type, right-click and click Finish Placing
g. Repeat for all Source 4 fixtures you want to place.
Step 22: Place fixtures on your pipes from the Library.
You can place fixtures directly from the Library Browser if you like. For fixtures
you use frequently, you may want to create a shortcut.
a. In the Library Browser, click the Fixture icon.
b. Find the High End Studio Spot CMY and
double-click its name. A fixture will attach
to the cursor.
c. Click to place the first fixture on a pipe or
truss. A notes dialog will open, describing
pertinent information about the fixture’s
profile. Click Close.
d. Click to place three more Studio Spot CMY
fixtures in your plot.
e. When done, right-click and click Finish Placing Fixtures.
Step 23: Focus your lights using Quick Focus.
Quick Focus is a tool that automates setting the focus positions for conventional
fixtures like your Source 4 luminaires.
a. In the Tools menu, click Quick Focus.
b. Click on Fred’s focus position.
c. Click on the lights you want to use to light Fred. Each one will adjust to point
at Fred, and they will indicate “Fred” at the back of each fixture symbol.
d. Click on the ladder’s focus point, and then click on the lights you want to use
to light the ladder.
e. Repeat for the other focus positions in your drawing until all the Source 4
750 fixtures are focused.
f. Right-click and click Finish Quick Focus.
g. Click on the ladder to select it and use the Move command to adjust its
position on the stage. Watch the lights focused at the ladder update to the
new focus information.
h. In the File menu, click Save Show.