TCP_Port_Number_Of_Target_Portal * * *
Login_Flags * * * * * Username Password
Authtype * Mapping_Count
– <Target_Name> is the target name as displayed in the target list. Use the iscsicli ListTargets command
to display the target list.
– <Report_To_PNP > is T, which exposes the LUN to the operating system as a storage device.
– <Target_Portal_Address> is the IP address of the iSCSI port on the controller being logged in to.
– <TCP_Port_Number_Of_Target_Portal> is 3260.
– <Login_Flags> is 0x2 to enable multipathing for the target on the initiator. This value allows more than
one session to be logged in to a target at one time.
– <Username> is the initiator name.
– <Password> is the target CHAP secret.
– <Authtype> is either 0 for no authentication, 1 for Target CHAP, or 2 for Mutual CHAP.
NOTE: <Username>, <Password>, and <Authtype> are optional parameters. They can be
replaced with an asterisk (*) if CHAP is not used.
– <Mapping_Count> is 0, indicating that no mappings are specified and no further parameters are
* * * An asterisk (*) represents the default value of a parameter.
For example, your log on command may look like this:
iscsicli PersistentLoginTarget iqn.1984-
72edf2 3260 T * * * 0x2 * * * * * * * * * 0
To view active sessions to the target, run the following command:
iscsicli SessionList
To support storage array controller failover, the host server must be connected to at least one iSCSI port on each
controller. Repeat step 3 for each iSCSI port on the storage array that you want to establish as a failover target. The
Target_ Portal_Address is different for each port you connect to.
PersistentLoginTarget does not initiate a login to the target until after the system is rebooted. To
establish immediate login to the target, substitute LoginTarget for PersistentLoginTarget.
NOTE: See the
Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator 2.x User’s Guide
for more information about the commands
used in the previous steps. For more information about Windows Server 2008 Server Core, see the Microsoft
Developers Network (MSDN) at microsoft.com.
For Linux Server
In MD Storage Manager, the Configure iSCSI Host Ports displays the status of each iSCSI port you attempt to connect
and the configuration state of all IP addresses. If either displays Disconnected or Unconfigured respectively, check the
following and repeat the iSCSI configuration steps:
• Are all cables securely attached to each port on the host server and storage array?
• Is TCP/IP correctly configured on all target host ports?
• Is CHAP set up correctly on both the host server and the storage array?
To review optimal network setup and configuration settings, see Guidelines For Configuring Your Guidelines For
Configuring Your Network For iSCSI.