Installing Host Bus Adapters and Drivers
Ensure that you read the Configuring Fibre Channel With the Dell PowerVault MD Series Storage Arrays
document before continuing with this procedure.
1. Install the host bus adapters (HBAs).
2. Connect the cables.
3. Install the HBA drivers and the operating system HBA patches/hotfixes
4. Ensure that the recommended HBA settings are applied.
Graphical Installation (Recommended)
1. Insert the PowerVault MD series resource media.
Depending on your operating system, the installer may launch automatically. If the installer does not
launch automatically, navigate to the root directory of the installation media (or downloaded installer
image) and run the md_launcher.exe file. For Linux-based systems, navigate to the root of the
resource media and run the autorun file.
NOTE: By default, Red Hat Enterprise Linux mounts the resource media with the –noexec
mount option which does not allow you to run executable files. To change this setting, see the
Readme file in the root directory of the installation media.
2. Select Install MD Storage Software.
3. Read and accept the license agreement.
4. Select one of the following installation options from the Install Set dropdown menu:
• Full (recommended) — Installs the MD Storage Manager (client) software, host-based storage
agent, multipath driver, and hardware providers.
• Host Only — Installs the host-based storage agent and multipath drivers.
• Management — Installs the management software and hardware providers.
• Custom — Allows you to select specific components.
5. Choose whether to start the event monitor service automatically when the host server reboots or
NOTE: This option is applicable only to Windows client software installation.
6. Confirm the installation location and choose Install.
7. If prompted, reboot the host server after the installation completes.
8. Start MD Storage Manager and discover the arrays.
9. If applicable, activate any premium features purchased with your storage array. If you purchased
premium features, see the printed activation card shipped with your storage array.
NOTE: The MD Storage Manager installer automatically installs the required drivers, firmware,
and operating system patches/hotfixes to operate your storage array. These drivers and
firmware are also available at dell.com/support. In addition, see the Dell PowerVault MD34xx/
38xx Series Support Matrix at dell.com/support/manuals for any additional settings and/or
software required for your specific storage array.