1302 Configuring Differentiated Services
DiffServ Class Configuration for IPv6
Beginning in Privileged Exec mode, use the following commands to configure
DiffServ classes for IPv6 and view related information.
match srcip Add to the specified class definition a match
condition based on the source IP address of a
match srcl4port Add to the specified class definition a match
condition based on the source layer 4 port of a
packet using a single keyword, a numeric notation,
or a numeric range notation.
match vlan Add to the specified class definition a match
condition based on the value of the layer 2 VLAN
Identifier field.
CLI Command Description
configure Enter global configuration mode.
class-map match-all
Define a new DiffServ class.
match any Configure a match condition for all the packets.
match class-map Add to the specified class definition the set of
match conditions defined for another class.
match dstip6 Add to the specified class definition a match
condition based on the destination IPv6 address of a
match dstl4port Add to the specified class definition a match
condition based on the destination layer 4 port of a
packet using a single keyword, or a numeric
match ip6flowlbl Add to the specified class definition a match
condition based on the IPv6 flow label of a packet.
match ip dscp Add to the specified class definition a match
condition based on the value of the IP DiffServ
Code Point (DSCP) field in a packet.
CLI Command Description