
About Your System 17
Table 1-2. Hard Drive Indicators
Pattern Green element Amber eLement Drive/slot state
Slot empty Off Off The slot is empty, an
unsupported drive is
present, the drive has
been spun down for
removal (Ready for
Removal), or a new
drive has been inserted,
and the state has not
been updated by the
RAID controller.
Drive online On Off The drive is either
online, ready, a hotspare
or a foreign drive.
Drive identify
(prep for removal)
On ~250mS
Off ~250mS
Off The slot is being
identified because of a
user request (either a
drive identify or a
preparing for removal
was requested).
Drive rebuilding On ~400mS
Off ~100mS
Off The drive is being
written to, to make a
virtual disk redundant.
Drive failed Off On ~150mS
Off ~150mS
The RAID controller
can no longer access or
control (read/write to)
the drive because it has
detected an
unrecoverable fault
(after it has completed
its error handling) on
the drive.
Predicted Failure
On ~500mS
Off ~500mS
Off ~1000S
Off ~500mS
On ~500mS
Predictive failure event
has been reported by
the drive.