Examples for PKW mechanism
Example 1: Read data of parameter P0003
To read value of P0003, set the request ID to 1 (request parameter value - word).
Because P0003 is less than 2000, the Para Page Select is 0, thus, the data sequence
are as follows:
Master PD-01 : 1003 0000 0000 0000 request value of P0003
PD-01 Master : 1003 0000 0000 1770
Request Response
Word 1 (PKE) 1003
Word 1 (PKE) 1003
Word 2 (IND) 0000
Word 2 (IND) 0000
Word 3 (PWE1) 0000
Word 3 (PWE1) 0000
Word 4 (PWE2) 0000
Word 4 (PWE2) 1770
PD-01 responds the value of P0003. All parameters in VFD series Drives are 16-bit
value, so the value is transferred in PWE2 (4th word). The value of P0003 is 0x1770
(6000 decimal), in VFD-M series Drives, it is “Maximum Output Frequency”.
Example 2: Read command frequency in VFD series Drives (0x2102)
To read value of command frequency, set the request ID to1, we should set the Para
Page Select because the parameter address is greater than 2000. The address
0x2102 is 8450 in decimal, if set Page Select to 4, then the Basic PNU is 8450 –
4*2000 = 450 (0x1c2), thus, the data sequence are as follows:
Master PD-01 : 11C2 2000 0000 0000 request value of address
PD-01 Master : 11C2 2000 0000 0868
Request Response
Word 1 (PKE) 11C2 Word 1 (PKE) 11C2
Word 2 (IND) 2000 Word 2 (IND) 2000
Word 3 (PWE1) 0000 Word 3 (PWE1) 0000
Word 4 (PWE2) 0000 Word 4 (PWE2) 0868