User Handbook
Key procedures
Base image
Laptops are loaded with an image for an academic year. When problems occur sub-
sequent to an image creation, fixes are provided through updates called Service
Packs. You should check Portal from time to time to see if there are any updates for
you to install http://portal.sheridanc.on.ca .
Windows 2000 Operating System
All ThinkPad laptops come with Windows 2000
Professional operating system. MS Office XP,
Netscape and Internet Explorer, Command
Anti-virus, WinZip etc.) are on the base image
as you can see in this screen capture.
Some students and faculty will have to install
additional program related software via Portal.
As Windows 2000 was designed to be primarily
a professional work environment, it does not
support some games or home-based types of
Users have more control of their computer
under Windows 2000, which means you can
more easily affect the machine’s operation; for
example, you must maintain your own local
password. Further details are provided in some
of the points below and other sections of this
Command Anti-Virus
Just a note that anti-virus software is supplied
as part of the software image on every laptop and automatically updates the definition
Local Password
When you receive your new laptop, and first log in, it will prompt you to enter a pass-
word. This is a “local” password and should be the same as your network [LDAP]
password so that you have fewer passwords to memorize. If you change your network
password through Portal, the local password will not automatically change at the
same time. To change the local password to match your new network password,
press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and then click Change Password. Follow the on-screen