12 DC-190 Ultra Count Installation Manual
3.0 Scale Setup
This section provides information about attaching scales and serial devices to the DC-190. Information presented
describes both physical connections and values that must be specified when configuring the DC-190 (see
Section 4.0). If you know what scales and serial devices will be connected to the DC-190, you can use the SPEC
Code Worksheets Section 10.1 on page 50 to record these values for later configuration.
3.1 Scale Configurations
The DC-190 can be connected to up to three analog scale bases using the load cell ports (PORT 1 and PORT 2
shown in Figure 3-1). An Ohaus
Explorer force balance can also connected to either the FORCE BALANCE or
232/PRINTER serial port for a total of four scale channels.
Figure 3-1. DC-190 Scale Ports and Connectors
Attach SX-L single and SX-D dual scale platforms to PORT 1 (left connector); attach external scale base to
PORT 2 (right connector). For three-scale configurations using either an SX-L and two external bases or three
external bases, an optional Y-cable must be used to connect two of the bases to PORT 1. (A wiring diagram of the
Y-cable is shown in Section 10.5 on page 55.)
3.1.1 Configuring SPECs 16 and 17
SPECs 16 and 17 are used to assign the annunciators for each of the four scale channels (Scale No. annunciator
on the DC-190 console).
All scale channels must be assigned, regardless of the actual number of scales attached.
Table 3-1 shows the values and default bit configurations for SPECs 16 and 17.
When configuring SPECs 16 and 17, use the following rules:
• If a force balance is attached, it must be configured as Scale 1. That is, SPEC 16, bits 3 and 2, (Scale 1)
must be set to Force Balance (11).
• Scales attached to Port 1 are configured as
Internal Scale 1 and Internal Scale 2, regardless of whether the
actual scale base is internal (SX-L, SX-D) or external.
SPEC Default Setting Bits 3 and 2 Bits 1 and 0
16 0001 Scale 1
00: Internal Scale 1
01: Internal Scale 2
10: External Scale
11: Force Balance
Scale 2
00: Internal Scale 1
01: Internal Scale 2
10: External Scale
11: Force Balance
17 1011 Scale 3
00: Internal Scale 1
01: Internal Scale 2
10: External Scale
11: Force Balance
Scale 4
00: Internal Scale 1
01: Internal Scale 2
10: External Scale
11: Force Balance
Table 3-1. Specifications 16 and 17 Default Settings