
8.2 Configurable parameters
8.2.1 Serial interface
Data Rate
The data rate can be set from 1 200 bit/s to 115.2 kbit/s.
Allowed values:
1 200, 2 400, 4 800, 7 200, 9 600, 14 400, 16 000, 19 200, 38 400, 56 000, 57 600
and 115 200 bit/s.
Default: 57 600 bit/s.
Flow Control
Flow control can be chosen between none or RTS/CTS.
If the RTS/CTS being used then the cable must have all interconnecting wires between
the ED-20 and the modem connected and the modem shall have the flow control
Allowed values: None, RTS/CTS
Default: RTS/CTS.
8.2.2 Modem settings
The general settings is used to set the fundamental modes of the ED-20.
Modem Connection
Type of modem connection can be selected between PSTN (Public Switched Telephone
Network) and LL (Leased Line).
PSTN shall be used for dial-up/dial-in connections with PSTN, ISDN or GSM modem.
LL shall be used in fixed connections, e.g. short-haul-, fibre-, LL-, or Radio-modem.
In LL mode the unit will not use any modem AT-commands, Modem escape sequence,
AT-commands and the Brouter function will be disabled.The modem will be handled as
a transparent connection.
Allowed values: LL, PSTN
Default: PSTN.