First Things First
The Only Rule:
Point and select
The Menu System
Program Guides
Lists & Limits
Hi, my name is jay...
and I wrote this User Manual. You can believe me
when I tell you that you should read this page first
because it gives you a game plan for attacking this
rather large manual.
Read the First Four sections
The first four sections of the manual introduce you
to your DSS
system, and show you how to use the
on-screen guides and menus. Reading these sections
gives you the basic information you need to navigate
the DSS
Putting You in Control
The fifth section of the book introduces you to the
Lists & Limits feature, which lets you control the
way you watch DSS
programming by creating
favorite channel lists, and by setting ratings limits
and spending limits.
What’s Left?
The rest of the book highlights the remaining
features, and includes reference information such as
a connections guide, a glossary, and an index.
Take some time right now to read
at least the first five sections.
Then, as you have time, you can
check out the rest of the book.
First Things First