
DIRECTV Set-top box information for the installer
DIRECTV Proprietary November 17, 2005
Version 1.1.a Page 16 of 49 DTV-MD-0058
4.4 STB Command Prefix
0xFA Required Command Prefix, precedes all commands
4.5 STB Responses
Response Label Description
0xF0 ACK_CMD Command Acknowledge
0xF1 NACK_CMD Command Unknown
0xF2 ACK_PARAMS Parser received the correct number of parameters
0xF3 NACK_PARAMS Parser timed out when receiving parameters
0xF4 ACK_FCNOK Service command completed successfully
0xF5 NACK_FCNOK Service command completed unsuccessfully
0xF6 ACK_RESET Command parser reset - break condition detected
0xF7 NACK_BUSY A previous service command is pending completion
0xF9 NACK_INUSE Command parser in use by another device
0xFB NACK_PREFIX Expected Prefix, prefix not sent
0xFD DATA_ERROR Command parser reset – Communication data error
0xFF CMDBUF_OVFL Command parser reset – Command buffer