Choosing a Connection
The following pages show four examples of hookups commonly
used to connect the DSS
receiver with a TV and other
components. Refer to your TV and VCR Owner’s Manuals for
more information on hooking up your specific components.
Connection A
Provides the best possible picture and stereo audio quality.
To use Connection A, you must have:
• TV with S-Video input, plus separate RF and audio/video
inputs (jacks).
• VCR with RF inputs and outputs
• S-Video, coaxial, and audio/video cables
Connection B
Provides very good picture and stereo audio quality.
To use Connection B, you must have:
• TV with separate RF and audio/video inputs (jacks)
• VCR with RF inputs and outputs (jacks)
• Coaxial and audio/video cables
Connection C
Provides good picture and mono audio quality.
To use Connection C, you must have:
• TV with RF input (jack)
• VCR with RF input (jack)
• Coaxial and audio/video cables
Connection D
Provides good picture and mono audio quality.
To use Connection D, you must have:
• TV with RF input (jack)