PAGE 4-5
Selecting a Mounting Option
Now that you have chosen where you want to install your satellite dish antenna, you need to select
the appropriate mounting. Use the options described below to determine the section of this chapter
that you should advance to.
All installations require grounding per NEC 810-15 and NEC 820-33.
Note: If you will be installing the satellite dish antenna base plate and mast using a mounting
configuration other than the ones recommended here, do so as follows:
1. Install the base plate and mast.
2. Verify that the mast is level.
3. Go to the section titled “Attaching the Reflector Onto the LNB Support Arm.”
Installing the satellite dish
antenna on the side of your
house. Do not install on vinyl
or aluminum siding. See the
section titled “Installing the
Satellite Dish Antenna Onto a
Wooden Surface.”
Installing the satellite dish
antenna on the rail or floor of a
deck. See the section titled
“Installing the Satellite Dish
Antenna Onto a Wooden
Installing the satellite dish
antenna on a brick surface. See
the section titled “Installing
the Satellite Dish Antenna
Onto a Brick Surface.”
Installing the satellite dish
antenna on a cinder block or
masonry surface. See the
section titled “Installing the
Satellite Dish Antenna Onto a
Cinder Block Surface.”
Installing the satellite dish
antenna on a metal pole. See
the section titled “Installing
the Satellite Dish Antenna
Onto a Metal Pole.”