DGS-3100 Series Firmware Release Notes
Command: show firmware information
Unit Image Version Update Time
---- ---------- --------------- ---------------
1 *1 3.60.28 08-Jun-2010 11:09:16
1 2 3.50.23 05-Mar-2010 00:42:47
"*" designates that the image was selected for the next boot
3. DGS-3100# download boot dgs_31xx_boot-10105.rfb
08-Feb-2000 23:25:10 %COPY-I-FILECPY: Files Copy - source URL tftp://
4/dgs_31xx_boot-10105.rfb destination URL Unit all flash://BOOT
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!08-Feb-2000 23:25:49 %COPY-N-TRAP: The copy operation was
completed successfully
Copy: 524304 bytes copied in 00:00:39 [hh:mm:ss]
4. DGS-3100# reboot
This action may take a few minutes
You haven't saved your changes. Are you sure you want to continue ? (Y/N)[N] Y
Are you sure you want to proceed with system reboot now? (Y/N)[N] Y
New Features:
2 Dynamic VLAN Assignment
3 Voice VLAN
4 IPv6 ACL
5 Cable Diagnostics
6 Password Encryption
7 Display statistics information of error packets on CLI and Web GUI
8 Be able to configure serial port’s parameters (baud rate, time out)
via Web GUI
9 Be able to login switch with blank user name and password
10 Link Aggregation algorithm improvement.
l Based on source and destination MAC addresses
l Based on source and destination IP addresses
l Based on IP and MAC’s source and destination addresses
11 Configuration filtering: Filter the configuration file with specified key
word while displaying it on CLI
12 All ports can be the source port in Port Mirror function
13 When broadcast storm reaches the configured threshold, switch will