
Fiber Port Events: Monitoring the Fiber port status.
Link Up/Link Down: A trap when there is linking status in the
fiber port.
Abnormal* Receive Error: A trap when there is a receive data
error in the fiber port.
Abnormal* Transmit Error: A trap when there is a transmit data
error in the fiber port.
Twisted Pair Port Events: Monitoring the twisted pair port status.
Abnormal* Receive Error: A trap when there is a receive data
error in the twisted pair port.
Abnormal* Transmit Error: A trap when there is a transmit data
error in the twisted pair port.
Abnormal*: 50 error packet count within 10 seconds.
PoE Events: Monitoring the PoE ports status.
PoE Power fail: A trap when the ports power source fails or the
PD64012 fails.
Power on/Power off: A trap when the PoE ports power is on and
Power over current: A trap when the PoE ports power is over
Power short circuit: A trap when the PoE ports power circuit
was short.
Power threshold on/off: A trap when the radio of the system
power supply larger than or smaller than the System power
Threshold setting.