xStack® DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Reference Guide
config erps protected VLAN
Used to configure the protected VLAN for a specific R-APS VLAN.
config erps raps_vlan <vlanid> protected_vlan [add | delete] vlanid <vidlist>
This command is used to designate VLANs that are protected by the ERPS function.
The R-APS VLAN cannot be a protected VLAN. The protected VLAN can be one that
has already been created, or it can be used for a VLAN that has not yet been
raps_vlan <vlanid> - Designates the VLAN identified by the vlanid as the R-APS
VLAN where another VLAN can be defined as being a member of the protected
VLAN group.
protected_vlan – add or delete protected status for a VLAN specified by the vlanid
<vidlist> parameter that follows.
add – To add VLAN to protected VLAN group
delete – To remove VLAN to protected VLAN group
Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure protected VLAN status for VLANs 10-20:
DES-3200-28F:4# config erps raps_vlan 4094 protected_vlan add vlanid 10-20
Command: config erps raps_vlan 4094 protected_vlan add vlanid 10-20