xStack DES-3800 Series Layer 3 Stackable Fast Ethernet Managed Switch
Parameter Description
IP Address
The IP address of the Static/Default Route.
Subnet Mask
The corresponding Subnet Mask of the IP address entered into the table.
The corresponding Gateway of the IP address entered into the table.
Metric Represents the metric value of the IP interface entered into the table. This field may read a
number between 1-65535 for an OSPF setting, and 1-16 for a RIP setting.
Protocol Represents the protocol used for the Routing Table entry of the IP interface. This field may read
OSPF, RIP, Static or Local.
Backup State Represents the Backup state that this IP interface is configured for. This field may read Primary
or Backup.
Click the
to delete this entry from the Static/Default Route Settings table.
To enter an IP Interface into the Switch’s Static/Default Route Settings window, click the Add button, revealing the following
window to configure.
Figure 8- 9. Static/Default Route Settings – Add window
The following fields can be set:
Parameter Description
IP Address
Allows the entry of an IP address that will be a static entry into the Switch’s Routing Table.
Subnet Mask
Allows the entry of a subnet mask corresponding to the IP address above.
Gateway IP
Allows the entry of an IP address of a gateway for the IP address above.
Metric (1-65535) Allows the entry of a routing protocol metric representing the number of routers between the
Switch and the IP address above.
Backup State The user may choose between Primary and Backup. If the Primary Static/Default Route fails,
the Backup Route will support the entry. Please take note that the Primary and Backup entries
cannot have the same Gateway.
Click Apply to implement changes made.
Route Preference Settings
Route Preference is a way for routers to select the best path when there are two or more different routes to the same destination
from two different routing protocols. The majority of routing protocols are not compatible when used in conjunction with each
other. This Switch supports and may be configured for many routing protocols, as a stand-alone switch or more importantly, in
utilizing the stacking function and Single IP Management of the Switch. Therefore, the ability to exchange route information and
select the best path is essential to optimal use of the Switch and its capabilities.
The first decision the Switch will make in selecting the best path is to consult the Route Preference Settings table of the switch.
This table can be viewed by clicking Configuration > L3 IP Networking > Route Preference Settings, and it holds the list of
possible routing protocols currently implemented on the Switch, along with a Preference value which determines which routing
protocol will be the most dependable to route packets. Below is a list of the default route preferences set on the Switch.