Fast Ethernet Switching System User’s Guide
Managing the DES-5200
Root Bridge
Specifies the MAC address of the Root Bridge. The DES-5200 may or may not be
the root bridge. The DES-5200 is the default root bridge.
Root Port
Specifies the preferred path to the Root Bridge. Only one path per bridge can
exist. The default setting is none.
Table 12: User Selective STA Parameters
STA Parameters Settings Effects Comment
Enable/Disable Enable/Disable Participate in or
remove from STA
Enable in a
SNMP network
Bridge Priority Lower the #,
higher the priority
Increases chance
of becoming the
Root Bridge
Avoid, if the
switch is used in
workgroup level
of a large network
Hello Time 1 – 10 seconds No effect, if not
Root Bridge
Never set greater
than Max Age
Max Age Time 6 – 40 seconds Compete for Root
Bridge, if BPDU is
not received
Avoid low
number for
unnecessary reset
of Root Bridge
Forward Delay
4 – 30 seconds High # delays the
change in state
2 x (Forward
Delay minus 1
second) > Max
Age, 2 x (Hello
Time plus 1
second) < Max
Port Level STA parameters
Enable/ Disable Enable/ disable Enable or disable
LAN segment
Disable a port for
security or
problem isolation
Port Priority Lower the #,
higher the priority
Increases chance
of becoming the
Root Port
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