Figure 5-1. The Internet Explorer displaying the encryption key length
Newer web browsers do support strong encryption on default.
5.2 Login into the DKVM-IP1 switch and logout
5.2.1 Login into the DKVM-IP1 switch
Launch your web browser. Direct it to the address of your DKVM-IP1 switch, which you
configured during the installation process. The address used might be a plain IP address or a
host and domain name, in the case where you have given your DKVM-IP1 switch a symbolic
name in the DNS. For instance, type the following in the address line of your browser when
establishing an unsecured connection:
http://<IP address of DKVM-IP1>
When using a secure connection, type in:
https://<IP address of DKVM-IP1>
This will lead you to the DKVM-IP1 switch login page as shown in Figure 5-2.
Figure 5-2. Login screen
The DKVM-IP1 switch has a built-in super user that has all permissions to administrate your
DKVM-IP1 switch:
Login name
admin (factory default)
admin (factory default)
Table 5-1. Standard user settings