November 1998
Part No. 001-7600-001
Parameter Description
Emits (or turns off) the following beeps when receiving a matched 2-tone:
Null -
Beep emission (or non-emission) is retained even when receiving a matched 2-tone.
Off -
Repeater beep emission is turned off.
Pi (Single) -
One high beep once.
PiPi (Single) -
Two high beeps once.
PiRo (Single) -
One high and one low beep three times.
Pi (Repeat) -
One high beep repeated at selected intervals.
PiPi (Repeat) -
Two high beeps repeated at selected intervals.
Auto Tx
Sets the transceiver to the transmit condition (by activating the microphone PTT) when receiving a matched
2-tone code. This transmit time can be set in the Auto Tx Timer parameter in the Rx Code Common screen (see
When a matched 2-tone is received, the transceiver is set to the following condition that is programmed:
Off -
The transceiver can be used continuously.
Kill -
The transceiver cannot be used. Reprogramming is required to re-activate the transceiver.
Stun -
The power-on password prompt is displayed. To use the transceiver, the correct password must be
entered. See also “User Password” and “Pwr On Password” in Common screen (Table 4-7). Password entry is
required regardless of the Pwr On Password setting.
When a matched 2-tone is received, scan is set to the following condition that is programmed:
Null -
Scan condition is not affected.
Cancel -
Scan is cancelled.
Start -
Scan is started.
See also “Scan” key in Table 4-2 and “Power On Scan” in Table 4-5.
Parameter Description
Rx Code Common Screen
This item sets the acceptable period between 2 tones. When received tones are interrupted for longer than this
setting, the transceiver does not detect the code.
Programs the 2-tone decoding period in seconds. When the received tone is longer than this setting, the trans-
ceiver detects the tone as a group code.
EXO Timer
When the EXO function is programmed “On” (see EXO above), the horn drive out pin of the optional accessory
cable is grounded for this period when receiving a matched 2-tone code.
Beep Repeat
When “Repeat” is selected for the above “Beep” parameter, beeps are repeated at this period in seconds.
Auto Tx
When the Auto TX function above is programmed “On”, the transceiver transmits for this set period when
receiving a matched 2-tone code.
Tx Code Screen
Code Type
Selects the “Individual” or “Group” code type.
1st/2nd Tone
Sets the frequencies for the first and second tones from 250-3300 Hz. The closest tone is selected.
1st/2nd Tone
Sets the period of the first and second tones.
Table 4-6 2-Tone Code Channel Screen Description (Continued)